*sigh* I wish these books had never been made. However, if it gets teens to read, I suppose I can't complain about them too loudly. We had a Twilight party last year in celebration of Edward's birthday (June 20th) - apparently I didn't write about it here. Brief overview of last year then: he had a birthday cake, werewolf kibble, drinks, played a matching quotes game, a trivia game, and a game of chance. We had a ton of prizes, and everyone walked away with something. Fast forward to this year. We had to come up with bigger and better things for this party.
First: We made buttons that said Team Edward and Team Jacob (with corresponding pics, of course), and the teens picked out of a hat and were sorted into the 2 teams.
They could only trade teams if there was someone else on the other team that wanted to trade.
Then: The first game we played was a Bella tug-of-war. (Get it? Because Jacob and Edward fight over her...) Played like a regular game of tug-of war, but we had Bella's pic taped to the middle of the rope. Whichever team pulled her across their line on the floor first won the game. The
winning team each received a New Moon door-hanger. (All of our stuff was New Moon themed b/c it was on clearance at Hot Topic).
Next: We had the teens do a word search. The first to find all of them the fastest won. The winner got to choose from our table of prizes.
Next: Trivia game! The teams had to pick one person to represent them (unfortunately, that person was the only one who could win a prize). The person was pretty much on their own except for they could use a lifeline and ask for help from their team.
Next: Eating contest! The teens competed against members of their own teams! Team Jacob had to eat Reese's Puff cereal out of dog food bowls and Team Edward had to eat cherry Jell-o out of plastic cups - all with their hands behind their backs! I felt a bit bad for Team Jacob - I should've either put less cereal in or at least given them some milk. Team Edward had a hard time, but once they figured out they could tip the cup over and slurp it off the table, that one ended in no time.
Finally: The chance game. This one is called Vampires and Victims, and basically all you have to do is make up a bunch of slips of paper with the words vampire and victim written on them. Count out an even # of each for the # of teens you have, and
then have them go in a circle each pulling out a slip of paper. Anyone who has a slip with "Vampire" moves on, anyone with "Victim" is out. Totally random. Keep going until you end up with only 1 vampire left, and there's your winner.
We still had prizes after all that, so we just started drawing names and giving out prizes until they were all gone. We didn't have enough for everyone to have a prize this time, but I think they all had a good time regardless.